About the Club

“One never stands so tall as when kneeling to help a child.”


Our leadership club consists of men between the ages of 21 and 39 who are focused on supporting children’s organizations in Tucson by both fundraising and volunteering, while giving club members the opportunity to gain and strengthen leadership skills and personal relationships (and having a lot of fun in the process).


Active 20-30 International had its beginnings in 1922 when young men in two different communities of the United States saw the need for a service club for young men. They found that established service clubs were dominated by older men, and they shared the ideal that young men would have a chance to engage actively in service to their communities; where young ideas, backed by enthusiasm and the energy of youth, could share in civic responsibilities on an equal basis with clubs composed of older men.

These pioneers of young men’s service clubs simultaneously created two virtually identical clubs: the Active International, located in Aberdeen, Washington, and 20-30 International formed in Sacramento, California.

Between 1959 and 1960, the two groups began discussions to merge, and in 1960, each submitted formal proposals to their respective conventions.   On August 1, 1960, Active International and 20-30 International became the Active 20-30 International.

For more information about the national organization, please visit: http://www.active20-30.com/


The Men’s Active 20-30 Club of Tucson has a distinguished history as one of Arizona’s most prestigious and active fundraising men’s clubs.

Since the club’s inception in 1928, the men of Active 20-30 Club of Tucson have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars and dedicated thousands of hours to local children’s charities. Our club, along with the national and international Active 20-30 organizations, continues to dedicate our efforts to serving underprivileged children.

The men’s Tucson club has a special place in Active 20-30 history:

The first convention of Active 20-30 International was held in Tucson, Arizona, July 10-14, 1961, where the Constitution and bylaws were officially adopted.

Tucson #82 is one of only two clubs in the National organization to have its own clubhouse to be used for meeting and socializing.